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Brown Bag


1 lb. Bags of Dried Beans

Let's collect our regular 500


Creamed Soups - 633 cans




Brown Bag is a ministry housed by THE FORT CHURCH in Columbus,  Georgia.  Their ministry is to supply food and clothing to those who are senior citizens in the Columbus area.  Since they specifically serve this demographic they do not get support from the federal government.  Therefore churches in the area co-operate to support/fund this ministry.  Each month churches are given an item to supply.  The Columbus Church determines to collect 500 (at least) of each item each month.  We have been involved with this ministry since our beginning in 2011.  Paige Spiece is our contact and the director is Gail Minton.


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Mission work in El Cacique Dominican Republic

It is always amazing how our Lord works.  In 2016, Ronnie Rose was in Santo Domingo on business.  He saw the poverty and it touched his heart.  He had a good friend in Huntsville, Alabama who "happened"  to be involved  with a small ministry in El Cacique (a suburb of Santo Domingo) called SOCIEDAD LUCAS.  It is run by Dr. Silvia Ricardo de Martinez and her husband Samuel.  It was a work that aided orphans and children of lower income families in Santo Domingo, specifically the El Cacique area.  She established a school (which has been recognized by the government and they offer schooling from pre-school to grade 6) and also provided 3 meals daily for those who attend.  At present the Columbus Church supports FIFTY individual children and some from the church have made mission trips in 2016, 2017 and 2019.  Aiding in the building of a house for a teacher (2016) and their minister (2017) plus a home for a mother and her children (2019).  We also have made trips to build bathrooms in a Haitian refuge camp.  We hope to make regular trips in the future.  To see more info on this ministry their website is:



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Activities with our Family

The Columbus Church views itself as a family.  Not just some place to "go to church".  We enjoy our fellowship and try and interact as much as we can.  We do offer activities for our youth but often EVERYONE is invited to share in the fun.











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Praying Together


Mercy Med is a medical facility founded in 2011.  A primary care provider that cares for people in all walks of life.  They provide excellent care physically, emotionally and spiritually.  The facility is located on 2nd Ave. in between 35 Ave. and 38 Ave.  Primary Care is offered in counseling and dentistry.  Specialty care is also offered in cardiology, dermatology, gynecology, vision and ultrasound.  The Columbus Church has supported them since 2016 both financially and volunteer.


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About the Columbus Church

Bearing burdens, sharing joys

On March, 27th 2011, a small group of believers started meeting in a store front on the corner of Gateway Road and Coca-Cola Boulevard in Columbus, Georgia.  We had no idea the plans God had in store for us, but we knew He led us to this point. We are a diverse group in age, sex, race and social economic standing. We come from different backgrounds religiously and have a variety of beliefs on any different subject. We believe that there is one God in three persons; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We believe we all have sinned, and separated ourselves from Him. We believe He crossed that divide by sending his Son, Jesus Christ, to die for us on the cross. All who are willing to accept Jesus as their Savior, repent and be baptized in His name will receive the Holy Spirit.  Now we are all on the same journey to Heaven. We are all part of that great family of God, His church. Our desire is to share the blessings we have in this life. We are here to bear one another’s burdens and share in our joys.

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Sun: 9:30 am & 10:30 am

Wed: 6:30 pm




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